What the shift to digital means for your brand
How to make your brand stand out
As we saw throughout the pandemic, there were key drivers for consumers when choosing brands – value, convenience, and availability being the top three. But there were other factors at play. Edelman reported in 2020 that 33% of people globally had convinced others to stop using a brand that they feel isn’t appropriately responding to the pandemic, with 81% stating that they needed to trust the brand would do what was right.
And trust in brands to ‘do the right thing’ will play a huge role post-COVID-19, which should be a huge consideration for businesses when they review their brand positioning. As Jessi Baker wrote for Forbes:
A global BCG study in 2020 found that 70% of people are more aware now than before COVID-19 that human activity threatens the climate. Heightened awareness of sustainability is translating to our shopping habits–72% of Gen Z and Millennial consumers now ‘prefer to buy from brands that do good.’
This certainly won’t be the first place you’ve heard it, but purpose-driven companies stand to be winners through the recovery. And that purpose needs to be at the very heart of your branding. Looking beyond your products and services and making sure you convey what your business stands for, as well as why and how you deliver on this should be the cornerstone of your branding strategy.
What consumers care about today
The importance of community for your brand
The road to success
In what will be a fiercely competitive environment where consumers are demanding much more from brands, making sure your unique proposition and values are at the heart of your branding strategy will be the foundations for success. It may seem obvious, but branding is so much more than just your logo or strapline, it’s important that you consider every element. The partnerships you choose, the story you tell, and the channels you use to connect with your audience will all play a part in the decision-making process for consumers. And as we know that consumers are more likely than ever to switch brands, you will need to work harder than ever to win their trust and retain them.
Those who are willing to unlock the true power of branding and content will not only differentiate, build brand awareness and be relevant but create a deeper connection with the shopper and unique commercial advantage.