Brand in the era of Armageddon
Brand in the era of Armageddon Reading time: 5 minutesAuthor: Matt Turnball, Strategy Director Sustainability and the brand idea It’s a truth universally acknowledged that the world is facing challenges that stretch the meaning of the word ‘unprecedented’. Our only hope of addressing these challenges is going to come from everyone – individual, community, country and […]
Stepping into the unknown: How your brand can help you get match fit for GBR
Stepping into the unknown: How your brand can help you get match fit for GBR Reading time: 3 minutesAuthor: Angharad Jones (AJ) While much of the anticipated (and announced) re-Nationalisation of the British rail network is yet to be defined, the current government has given some indication of what they will be looking to achieve. […]
7 signs your brand is broken
(and how to mend it) How do you know when it’s time to press reset? There isn’t one single measure, but in our decades of experience of helping brands navigate transformation, there are signs that a brand may be broken. No business will demonstrate all of these – but neither are they mutually exclusive. They […]
The curious case of déjà vu in B2B marketing
Reading time: 5 minutesAuthor: Angharad Jones (AJ) So, we’ve worked with a lot of B2B organisations over the years – from engineering to medtech to engines to manufacturing – you name a tricky, complex, specialist sector and we’ve taken on its challenges. Every sector has its peculiarities and the deep dives can get pretty deep. […]
How brands thrive in turbulent times
Reading time: 5 minutesAuthor: Keith Crook In a world where nothing is guaranteed beyond tomorrow’s headlines, we crave certainty. Given the minefield that is politics and economics, we must look elsewhere to find what we know and trust. Sometimes we can find certainty in our family or our family dog. Sometimes we find certainty in […]
Create + Connect: Caleño Drinks
In conversation with Ellie Webb, founder Caleño Drinks Welcome to the first in our series of short films talking to businesses and people who are evolving their brand and content to create deeper connections with their audience to drive unique commercial advantage.
Create + Connect: Healthy Nibbles
In conversation with Sara Roberts, founder of Healthy Nibbles Welcome to the second in our series of short films talking to businesses and people who are evolving their brand and content to create deeper connections with their audience to drive unique commercial advantage. Sara Roberts, Founder of Healthy Nibbles, discusses how they have instilled and […]
Revolution or evolution?
Are you committing to building a better brand this year? Well we’re one month into the new year, and in the world of consumer marketing, that now means a tussle between the good old “New Year, New You” resolutions brigade and the emerging, resolute “You do you!” messaging. We’d argue the decisions you’re looking into […]
Are you neglecting your most important asset for growth?
Welcome to the Keel insights Brand positioning, culture and values are key for setting your business up for success, but when establishing these a lot of companies focus solely on the impact for their customers and prospects. While customer-first is great, this outward facing approach can mean they neglect their most valuable asset – their people. […]
Transforming your brand to stand out in 2022
Welcome to the Keel insights As businesses look to regain momentum and maximise opportunities next year, it’s vital that they consider the important role their brand will play in determining their future success. Here we take a look at some of the key areas we’re encouraging companies to consider to ensure their brand will stand […]